Sunny weather & vitamin D

Sunny weather & vitamin D
Chickens need sunlight to produce Vitamin D, vital for bone health and egg production. Poor UK weather affects chickens’ well-being, causing stress and low egg yield. Learn how to boost your flock's health.

The weather in the UK and northern Europe has been unusually cold, wet, and cloudy this year. While most people live and work indoors, the weather still impacts our physical and mental health. Sunlight exposure is crucial for vitamin D production, affecting bone health, immune function, and mood. Surprisingly, chickens need sunlight for similar reasons!

Vitamin D Deficiency in Chickens

Chickens, like other animals, need adequate sunlight to produce vitamin D, essential for bone health and overall well-being. Not enough sunlight can cause low vitamin D levels, which can make bones weaker, eggshells poorer, and increase the risk of getting sick.

How Sunlight Affects Egg Production

Chickens use daylight cues to regulate their reproductive cycles. Reduced sunlight can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to decreased egg production. If you’re noticing a decreased egg laying frequency, this might be the cause!

Egg laying

Stress and Behavioural Issues

Without natural light, chickens can experience stress and behavioural issues. Lack of sunlight can disturb their circadian rhythms, leading to aggression, feather pecking, and other abnormal behaviours.

Tips to Improve Your Flock’s Health and Productivity

Even if the weather isn’t cooperating, there are several steps you can take to help your chickens stay healthy and productive:

  • Maximise Sunlight Exposure:

If your chicken coop is usually under a tree for shade, consider moving it to a sunnier spot. This is especially helpful in autumn and winter when light levels are low. If using a cover for their run, opt for a clear plastic one to allow more light.

Chicken coop in sun
  • Vitamin D Supplements:

Vitamin D helps birds absorb calcium, crucial for eggshell development and bone growth. Consider using tonics that can boost egg production and strengthen eggshells. Simply add these to their drinking water for an easy and cost-effective solution.

  • Maximise Daylight Hours:

Letting your chickens spend more time outside during daylight can make a big difference. The sun rises early, and while you might not be eager to start your day then, your flock will benefit!

Using an automatic door unit with a lux sensor can increase their exposure to natural light, optimising their laying conditions. That's why our automatic door opener is just right for your coop!

Automatic Door Opener for chicken coop

The Debate on Artificial Lighting

Artificial lighting in backyard flocks is a debated topic. Some keepers prefer natural methods, while others aim to maximise productivity. Artificial lighting can encourage egg production when it wouldn't naturally occur, a common practice in the commercial sector.

Whether to use lighting is your decision, but consider your flock's overall needs first. At Nestera, we adhere to the 5 Freedoms of Animals welfare framework, which offers valuable insights for keepers. Check out our blog on the Five Freedoms of Animals.
Time to read: 2 minutes